Our Programs: Our programs are designed to be flexible and adaptable to each child's abilities. Through open communication and collaboration, we strive to ensure that our program is accessible to all members. This may include but is not limited to, modifying activities or materials, offering additional support from trained staff members, and creating inclusive spaces that foster a sense of belonging for everyone.​
​Team Expertise:
Our team includes professionals with expertise in working with children with various disabilities. We are dedicated to removing barriers to participation and promoting equal opportunities for all members to engage in our program's activities, events, and experiences.
Our staff strives to ensure every child can participate meaningfully with equitable access. We will work with your child’s school to adjust programming, whenever possible, to meet your child’s needs.
School & Family Collaboration: We collaborate with families and schools to meet children’s needs and adjust programming whenever possible.
​Caregiver Involvement & Expectations:
The inclusion team at BGCNIC will work closely with caregivers to understand the unique needs of youth who may need accommodations and identify safe and feasible modifications that help support participation in Club services. It is beneficial to the child if caregivers discuss with club staff the individual supports needed for the child prior to their first day of Club. Failure to share information about your child that identifies special care, accommodations, or supervision needs may impact their ability to participate in all club activities safely.
Ongoing caregiver involvement helps address evolving or newly identified needs, and all children are expected to follow the Code of Conduct or behavior expectations.​
We maintain open lines of communication with caregivers to ensure we're meeting your child's evolving needs. All children are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct or stated behavior expectations. For some club members, special accommodation needs may appear later, or may differ over time. Our Club staff will make ongoing assessments of the club member’s needs and will require the caregiver’s involvement in this process.
Disability Awareness: We incorporate disability awareness into our curriculum to foster empathy and understanding among all children. By embracing diversity and prioritizing inclusion, we enrich our learning community and cultivate a culture of acceptance, understanding, and appreciation for the unique abilities and contributions of every individual.
Questions or concerns?
Contact Rebecca Allen
Assistant Director of Inclusion: